Sunday, 4 August 2013

my new little one

So firstly how cute is this little bag I got off iOffer! After seeing Kylie Jenner post photos of her Celine bag on instagram (now who isn't jealous of that girl) and falling in love with it deeply I knew a 'fake' 'look alike' would be in my hands very soon! As expensive as my taste may be I can't quite afford a real one yet so I'm settling for 2nd best. Sigh

OK blogger you can stop turning half my photos upside down. WHY?! I have no idea and because I'm not a technical genius you might have to turn your laptop upside down to see 2 of the photos, sorry guys! 
I while back I put a photo on instagram on both celine bags I wanted..The black one and the black and cream one. I actually also want the red one and dark green one but I though no Caitlin, control your self 2 bags is enough (I do picture my self with many colours of celine bags when I'm older though) and anyway most of you said get the black and cream one so I did.. and 3 weeks later a black one showed up at my door and a lot smaller than expected, that's China's fake goods for you. Anyway I've decided it will do me fine for when I only need a few things and black goes with everything right? So there problem solved and I'm going to save up probably till I'm 50; this girl don't save; and buy a real one SO EXCITED! So for now I'll just be all sulky when the Kardashians post piccys of their's!
love Caits x


  1. aah! I love it, how much was it?

    1. around £30 I can't remember exactly as it had changed the currency for me :))) they're not bad to say how much the real ones cost! xx

  2. OMG. NEED this bag. It's gorgeous!!!

  3. Thanks so much for showing me ioffer! It could be dangerous though! Absolutly love that bag!

  4. Love that bag, it's such a great size! Darn those Kardashians!

    Love Ellen xx

  5. Love this bag, Ive wanted one for ages (but just cant afford it) but gonna look on iOffer now.

